Brandie Henderson
As the founder of Morph Aesthetics, Brandie Henderson is dedicated to educating safe and competent providers in Aesthetics. With over 14 years of nursing experience and more than 5 years in Aesthetics, she has trained 23 apprentices through her G.A.A.P program, accumulating over 1600 hours of education. In 2021, Brandie became a National Trainer for Galderma and continues to offer private training nationwide and in Phoenix and Scottsdale. Her passion is to educate and give back.
Introduction to Neurotoxins and Dermal Fillers
2-Day Course with ongoing support to help you with your Aesthetic Career

2 day Training Course

Didactic & Hands on Injecting

Small Class Sizes

Two Educators & Mentors

Anatomy and Rheology

Patient Assessment

Injection Techniques

Safety and Complication Management

Business Strategy

Introduction to Industry Reps

175 page training manual

15 + hours of education
Note: You must possess a RN license and above
price per person - $7,000
GAAP Program (Graduate Advanced Aesthetic Program)
This program includes 10 days of training via shadowing and hands-on injecting experience to master the art of injecting.

Morph Aesthetics has successfully trained and placed 31 graduates
Note: Completion of the ‘Introduction to Neurotoxins and Dermal Fillers’ course is required as a prerequisite. You must possess a RN license and above.
price per person - $7,000